Thursday, November 11, 2010


Last week, we watched Windows' latest atrocity--a commercial for the Windows Phone 7. First of all, what is so significant about the number 7? Just because the Windows 7 software works "better" than my old pal Vista, is that the reason to capitalize on it? No.

Anyway, the commercial features people in various situations paying more attention to the phone they're using than driving a car, urinating, walking down the aisle, etc. It's incredibly ironic because HELLO! this is a PHONE commercial making fun of people abusing phones. Silly, Windows! You're not helping people to lessen their use! You've created yet another useless product to distract the world. This commercial is useless to me, for it is claiming to sell a phone that will lessen the time you spend on it. A phone, no matter how many bells and whistles, is still a phone.

I'm going to have to call bullshit, and not just because I'm loyal to Steve Jobs.

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